Although, I wouldn't mind having a patch of teasel someday...
Instead, I have these:
Catalpa tree blossoms... Last year it was a bit Dr Seuss-ian, two tall thin trunks with a poofy cluster of leaves at the very tips. It's filled out a bit since I cut down some of the privets that were blocking the sun. So much so that the weight of the leaves has bent one of the trunks down low enough that I can touch it!
A few wildflowers, nasturtiums, roses...
The produce section... chard, carrots, beets, onions, cucumbers up in the planter box,
Tomato, zucchini and yellow squash, brussel sprouts, basil, lettuce, beans and peas down below... More tomatoes, herbs, squash (yellow/zucchini/white) and gourds are elsewhere...
This thing was just freakishly huge... And I'm such an idiot, I just killed it!!! Waaaaaahhhhh!!!!
I finally gave in and let the berries grow. Not sure yet what kind they are, but they've snuck over from my neighbors yard. There's another vine/branch that's climbed over the fence and through the birch tree and reaches halfway to the house. I put up a string for it to climb so I wouldn't keep walking facefirst into it... You can just barely see it in the June 09 picture below...

View from the back door out towards the yard... It's grown up a bit just in the couple weeks since I took that last picture. The sunflowers against the house are now almost touching the eaves and I had to put taller cages around the tomatoes...
I forgot to take a picture when I first moved in, there was ivy covering the back fence, both planter boxes, and about four feet out into the lawn... It took me a few months to get it all cleared out. Of course, it's still on the other side of the fence, so I have to keep an eye out for evil little vines sneaking through and over the fence. Grrrrrr...
The placement of the 'flowerbed' was determined when the bulbs came up in a swath across the back of the yard. I just moved a few bulbs to make a path up to the bench... I was debating whether to keep the lawn or not, but the thought of wasting water on it and having to drag out the weedwacker to mow such a small space just didn't appeal to me. I'd already put down weed barrier cloth and woodchips in the front yard, so I decided to do the same in the back. Then I discovered that the whole backyard already had a layer of plastic about four inches down! So instead of spending money on the weed barrier, I spent a couple of days digging out all the dirt from the middle section. Of course, the shovel ripped holes in the plastic (which shall henceforth be known as "puddle prevention perforations") so I had to dig out the whole thing with a trowel. Oye!
Brand new nasties... I went a bit nuts with them, they're ALL OVER the yard. Can't wait until they're all in bloom :-P
This is my backyard, so far... Yesterday I finished landscaping the last 5 feet of the front yard, all the way over to the neighbors driveway. I put down more weed barrier and woodchips, a few plants. It finally looks finished, no big swath of dead grass anymore. Yay!!! Pictures of it may or may not follow...