29 March 2009

terrible, slow loveliness...

To start out the weekend, I sanded and painted my new kitchen cabinet (thanks grandma) and stenciled some fuschias on it. Still needs a bit of work cleaning up the edges, the paint ran :(

But now I have a 'tea drawer', and a nice dark place for my wine and potatoes.  

The sun was playing out in the backyard when I woke up.  
So...  I joined it.

The backyard is a bit of a mess, I'm still trying to figure out what goes where.  I got some seeds planted, weeded a bit...  Everything's coming back to life.  Last week, the little oak tree was bare.  A few flowers have come up too, tulip, hyacinth, daffodils, grape hyacinth, cal. poppies, even a couple rose buds have started.

In a few months I should have a cascade of little nasties :)

Thora was very disappointed that she couldn't join me outside. I'll have to put the cat-run up soon so she can come out and play with the birdies...

The catalpa tree (seen here being fondled by the neighbors birch tree) has the most gorgeous flowers in summer/fall.

There's a whole swath of these little white flowers (possibly a pushkinia or scilla?) across the backyard.  Buddha seems quite happy with them.

So now I'm a bit sore, but the yard is a little more organized.  When I weeded the flowerbed, I also planted a few more things, and made a border out of the privet trees/branches I've been slowly exterminating.  

27 March 2009

Pandora continues...

Almost done!!!  After several weeks away, I'm finally back in the studio.  This time I worked on the box, the gold designs, her face and hands...  I still have a bit more to do on her hands and maybe a few other details, but for the most part she's done...

05 March 2009

Pandora's current incarnation...

Finally getting somewhere with this.  Still contemplating what to do with her robe and the background...  then I have to get to work on her face and hands, and the box...

Here's a photochopped pic of the direction it may be heading...

**note** the woodgrain across her face/hair isn't quite so conspicuous in real life, the scanner tends to highlight it.