(that entire back part was covered from the top of the fence, across the 3' planterbox, down the front of that, and had grown about 3 feet out into the yard. The newer part of the fence didn't have ivy on it, since it had been torn off when the fence was replaced not too long ago...)
But instead, I've been cleaning, unpacking, figuring out where things go... I made the most awesome covers for the pillows on my couch. Pictures coming one of these days.
I let K talk me into having a game night/house warming party this weekend while my mom is out visiting, so I have to speed up the unpacking process a bit. Last weekend I finally got something up on the walls in the kitchen, doesn't look so bare now.

On the back wall (on the left of the pictures) I put a little hanging shelf, the perfect place for my glass polar bear collection. I just need to get some sticky stuff for their feet so they don't go on walkabout while I'm not looking... On the other wall (on the right of the pictures) I put my grouping of little mirrors, mixed with some small artwork... Better for a small space, I think, than one big piece.

This is directly out the back door (you have to go through the garage to get to the backyard) Last weekend I also got most of my succulents arranged, and up off the ground. They seem to like it better here. I'd dug up the onions I'd grown from seed and brought them from my old place. They immediately started blooming the day I moved in and have been in full poofy bloom ever since :)

From the garage door, looking out towards the backyard.

And since I had to leave all my other sunflowers behind, I bought some... Because every house needs sunflowers.
Not the best pictures, I know.
My camera is still packed away in some box Ihaven't gone through yet.
I'm going to have my mom take some pictures while she's here.
And it's driving me absolutely batty to have a studio and not be in it making art!!! There's just too much other stuff to do first. Have to's before want to's. That's what my dad always said. Which is good for actually prioritizing what 'needs' to get done, but.... I've been trying to quelch it by doing 'interior decorating', and sewing, but... but I want to paint!!! Oh yeah, I did a little screen printing on one of the pillows though. More on that later.
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