13 December 2007

Over and done with

So, I'm fighting my severe aversion to all things blog. But I thought I'd try it out, put up pictures of what I'm working on, kind of have a record of what I'm doing...? I've only been putting finished work on my website, and need a bit of incentive to take pictures of the process... But I'm not putting pictures in this first one, because I don't have pictures of my latest yet..

The chaos of the last few weeks is finally over.

Everything kind of ganged up on me at once, work, play, preparing for the show. It's so nice to finally be able to relax. I have time, now that I have my place cleaned up again, to sit down and actually think about what to make instead of cranking out anything I could do quickly. I started a new piece last night though.  I've had this picture sitting around for ages that I couldn't figure out how to use. I can't wait to see what it'll turn into.

That's all. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

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